Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Who should I vote for?

So the NZ elections are coming up, and as of today I can cast my special vote (cos I'm "special"). The problem is, not living in NZ, I haven't been following politics there very closely. I thought I more or less knew who I was going to vote for, until I realised there are 19 parties!

So here is your chance to influence my decision. If you feel strongly about any particular party, I would love to hear your opinion on why you definitely would or wouldn't vote for them. Thanks!

Who should I vote for?
99 MP Party
Act NZ
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Christian Heritage NZ
Democrats for Social Credit
Destiny NZ
Direct Democracy Party
Green Party
Labour Party
Maori Party
National Party
NZ Family Rights Protection Party
NZ First Party
OneNZ Party
The Republic of NZ Party
United Future NZ
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